Call for papers Censoring Intimacy

Published by Katja Mihurko Poniz on

The University of Nova Gorica, The Women Writers Route Association, Dimitrie Cantemir Christian University, Bucharest, Gothenburg University and The University of Turku are pleased to announce the 3rd international exploratory workshop CENSORING INTIMACY IN WOMEN’S WRITING AND READING IN THE LONG NINETEENTH CENTURY.

The workshop will strives to explore the issue of intimacy and its connection with censorship and self-censorship, starting from the evidence that suggests that extensive research has to be done from new points of departure, considering recent theoretical developments and the awareness of situating phenomena historically and geographically.

The workshop will focus on women’s writing and reading in the long 19th century and the way in which they may generate discussions about the actuality of the gender censorship connected to women’s writing and reading in 20th and 21st century Europe.

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Categories: Activities